City officials on Friday night released footage of the deadly encounter between Tyre Nichols and Memphis police officers that occurred earlier in January. The video materials included three body camera videos and one overhead surveillance video. Following the release of the video, five officers involved in the arrest were terminated from their positions and are facing criminal charges, including second-degree murder. Additionally, two deputies with the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office have been put on leave while an investigation takes place, according to a statement from Sheriff Floyd Bonner Jr. The footage shows the incident taking place between 8:24 p.m. and 9:02 p.m. CT, starting with the initial stop of Nichols by police and ending with an ambulance arriving to take him to the hospital. The video shows officers approaching Nichols' vehicle with firearms drawn, yelling for him to get out. Nichols is then pulled from the vehicle and forced to the ground, with officers using pepper spray and a taser on him, hitting him with a baton, and kicking him. The video also shows the officers taking a break and fist-bumping before paramedics arrive 21 minutes later to take Nichols to the hospital.
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